Christine Nobel

b. 1973, Montreal, QC

In Christine Nobel’s work, temporal spaces, gestures and systems give both order and fluidity. Evoking a vast plane of vision and possibility, the immersive fields she renders are a foundation for notes of colour and texture to emerge. The shapes, movement and geometric images offer a sense of expansion towards a grid or data system. The patterns extend into networks which are created by playing with light and sensorial exploration on a two-dimensional surface. Nobel’s pieces combine exact calculations with spontaneity to create visual impressions where vast plains of data, mapped by the richness of her colours and the perception of depth, allows for an impression of the infinite.

Nobel was born in Montreal, Quebec and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts from Concordia University and her Master of Fine Arts from York University in Toronto, Ontario. She has had a number of exhibitions in Canada and is part of private and public collections. Outside of her art practice, she has worked in the Education departments at the National Gallery of Canada and the Art Gallery of Ontario and currently teaches Fine Art classes at universities and colleges.
Curriculum Vitae

dabs & systems

Between the notes
