
The use of 3D puzzles has transformed fossil remains into toys appreciated by kids and grownups throughout the last decades. The recreational value of this objects blends with didactic strategies derived from anthropological enouncements and descriptions, (usually imprecise), of the anatomy of dinosaurs and other extinct species. These toys, derived from the industrial era, produced and distributed massively, add a “do it yourself” value: usually the person who buys them also ensembles them.

In “Souvenir” one of the most important representations of God is transgressed, painted by Michaelangelo Buonarrotti in on of the frescoes in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, (The Creation of Adam, ca 1511). In this mural the episode of the Genesis where God gives life to the first man according to the biblical tradition is illustrated. When presenting God as a 3D puzzle a tridimensional volume is abstracted from a bidimensional image. A consequence of this practice is a non-frontal way of relating with the same composition. The spectator can position himself in the place where Adam would be located in the original image, for the first time after approximately five centuries of its production.