Shayne Dark: Into the Blue

This visually-stunning full-colour bilingual catalogue is Shayne Dark’s first major publication. It surveys the last twenty years of his artistic practice and includes over 60 illustrations, an introduction by Michael Rattray and critical essays from Katrie Chagnon and John K. Grande. Born in 1952 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Shayne Dark currently resides in Hartington, Ontario. Shayne Dark has participated in numerous exhibitions in Canada and the United States since he began his artistic career in the mid 1980’s. Dark creates mainly sculptural works, taking a keen interest in every aspect of the process of art production, which he feels draws upon and focuses the physical and perceptual experience of the world. His works often evoke the contrasts between urban settings and the natural world, they are meant to stimulate a spiritual or visceral reaction in the viewer.

Publisher : Éditions Art Mûr
Author(s) : Michael Rattray, Katrie Chagnon and John K. Grande
Artist(s) : Shayne Dark
French and English, 65 pages, 60+ colour images, includes biography, 2008
ISBN 978-2-923243-02-3

Shayne Dark : Into the Blue